I had sex with two different men last month. Is it possible I could be pregnant from both of them? Mari, 23
Mari, if you are pregnant it is most likely that only one of the men is the biological father. If by chance two of your eggs matured AND the sperm from both of men was present at that moment then YES it is possible that you are pregnant with both of their babies.
If just one egg matured last month (which is what usually happens) and the sperm
from both of the men was present then according to sperm competition theory, it’s
most likely that the man who is not your regular partner (e.g. A hook-
If you were a member of an Amazonian tribe such as the Ache, Bari or Canela you would
subscribe to the notion of partible paternity. Here you would believe that it takes
multiple washings of semen throughout a pregnancy to create a baby. Thus if a woman
had multiple sexual partners, ALL of them would contribute genetically in the creation
of the baby-
If a girl has foreplay and a guy’s semen gets around her vaginal area will there be a chance for her to get pregnant if she is still a virgin? Tina, 18
Yes Tina that can happen. Moreover infections such as herpes and crabs can be spread
with skin-
If there are cultural reasons that you must remain a virgin before marrying, then
pretty much no one will be be interested in considering that you are a pregnant technical
virgin. If such an unplanned pregnancy does occur, taking the abortion pill, RU-
I am thinking about becoming a single mother. I have a boyfriend and while I’m not actively trying to become pregnant, I’m not avoiding it either. What rights will he have should I choose not to stay with him if I do become pregnant? Olivia, 20
Olivia, if you and your boyfriend are not actively using birth control (e.g. pills, patch, nuvaring, condoms), then it must be presumed that both of you are open to creating a and parenting a child. By engaging in unprotected sex with you, the law treats him as a potentially willing and responsible parent. If you do not want him to be the legal father of your child, you should not be having unprotected sex with him.
If you are truly interested in becoming a single mother by choice and you would like your boyfriend to be your sperm donor, then prior to getting pregnant you should draw up legal forms that give you full parental rights. And to ensure that he has no rights over the future child, it’s best you engineer your pregnancy through artificial insemination. Moreover, if you really want to ensure that you are the sole parent, then it would be advisable to go to a sperm bank rather than to use a donor who has been your lover.
If you were to become pregnant through having sex with your boyfriend he would potentially have full paternal rights over the child. If you were no longer together, he could sue you for custody of the child. If you retain custody, he would have the right to visit the child, to participate in making legal decisions for the child and could be expected to pay you child support. Finally, if he gained custody of the child, you could be expected to pay him child support!
Certainly in other times and places the creation of families has not be so legalistic,
thus making your interest in being a single mother really quite “natural.” Moreover,
for all non-
How can I find out if I am still ovulating? Maria, 49
Maria, ovulation is a crucial part of female reproduction. When a woman ovulates
it means that an egg is being released from her ovaries that can be fertilized, causing
her to become pregnant. Chimpanzees, bonobos and baboons are some of the many primates
that advertise female fertility through a donning a brightly colored genital swelling.
Being that these animals walk on all-
Humans don’t openly advertise ovulation and thus it can be a bit of a mystery. Research
has revealed that women who are near ovulation are more interested in sex and more
likely to show more skin in public. Ovulation test-
Considering your age, it’s possible you have stopped ovulating. When a woman stops ovulating, her menstrual periods stop and her menopause begins. Full menopause is marked when a woman has not had a menstrual period for one year. In that sometimes a woman will have a menstrual period without ovulating, you can have your doctor run a blood test to measure your hormone levels to find out if you are in fact still ovulating.
How long into pregnancy can you continue to have intercourse? Amy, 24
Amy each culture has its own beliefs and practices regarding sex and pregnancy. The
Bari peoples of the Amazon believe that the fetus grows as a result of repeated washings
of semen throughout the pregnancy. A Bari father-
For women who are no danger of miscarriage, having intercourse throughout the childbearing
year is considered perfectly okay. Beginning in the second trimester a pregnant
woman may experience a notable glow, causing her to appear extra-